Biology of Reproduction, lecture on Adult Male Reproductive Systems
USD Department of Biology
Biology of Reproduction
text: Human Reproductive Biology2nd Edition
- Richard E. Jones & Kristin H. Lopez,:
Read pages 97-121 for this lecture

acronyms    end
X. Adult Male 			back to IX. Ovulation & Meiosis

 	A. Reproductive Anatomy

		1. Testes

			a. Seminiferous tubules

				i. where spermatogenesis &
				   spermiogenesis take place

				ii. coiled loops

			b. Lobule

				i. 250/testis;
				   1-3 closed coiled loops/lobule

			c. Tubulus Rectus

			d. Rete Testis

			e.Vasa Efferentia

		2. Epididymis

			a. Site of Sperm Storage

			b. Head 

			c. Body

			d. Tail

				i. Ductus Epididymis

		3. Vas Deferens

			a. transport of ejaculate

	B. Seminiferous Tubule Function

		1. Interstitium

			a. Leydig Cells

				i. synthesize steroid hormones (D5(similar))

					(1) Major: Testosterone (T)

					(2) Other: Androstenedione, DHEA,
					      5a-DHT (5a-Dihydrotestosterone)

						(a) also very small amounts of estradiol

				ii. homologous to theca

			b. blood vessels & connective tissue

		2. Seminiferous Epithelium

			a. Spermatogonia produced throughout life

				i. 2N, mitosis

			b. 1o Spermatocytes (2N)

				i. Meiosis I

			c. 2o Spermatocytes (N)

				i. Meiosis II

			d. Spermatid (N)

			e. Spermatozoa

				i. Sertoli Cells

					(1) provide nutrients for spermatozoa,
					    secrete ABP (androgen binding protein),
					    phagocytosis of degenerated germ cells

					(2) produce testicular fluid ® into lumen

					(3) homologous to granulosa cells

		3. Spermatogenesis: a ® d

			a. making of spermatogonia ® spermatids

		4. Spermiogenesis: d ® e

			a. spermatid to spermatozoa

		5. Spermiation

			a. sperm being released from sertoli cell into lumen




mitosis ¯ FSH and/or T
Meiosis I
¯ ?
1o Spermatocytes
Meiosis I
¯ T
2o Spermatocytes
Meiosis II
¯ T
Spermatid (N)
Spermiogenesis ¯ FSH
Spermatozoa (N)
Spermiation ¯ LH (just like ovulation)
released Spermatozoa (N)

XI. Gonadal Axis Regulation