Biology of Reproduction, lecture on Differentiation of Sexual Behavior
USD Department of Biology
Biology of Reproduction
text: Human Reproductive Biology2nd Edition
- Richard E. Jones & Kristin H. Lopez,:
Read pages 213-219; 463-486 for this lecture

acronyms    end
XIII. Development of Sexual Behavior 			back to XII. Sexual Differentiation

	A. T (from testes) masculinizes the brain (hypothalamus)

		1. converted to E2 intracellularly

			a. aromatase in mPOA & VMH

		2. E2 binding to E-Ra or b produces male sexual behavior

			a. E-Ra promotes increased & clustered A-R & P-R
				i. A-R also important for male sexual behavior
			b. but... DA via D1 receptors can also activate E-Ra
			c. female rats have a-feto-protein ® binds to E2
			   and keeps it from entering the brain

		3. Critical Period = Window of Effectiveness

			a. time during development when "T"
			   has an effect masculinizing the brain
			    producing male behavior


(time after fertilization)
Hamster 16 16-21 4.5
Mouse 19-20 20 7.5
Rat 21-22 18-28 5.0
Guinea Pig 68 30-35 5.0
Human 270 T goes up 84-126 21

			b. fetal hormone organize sexual behavior in males

				i. postpubertal hormones maintain behavior
				   in males and females 

			c. Evidence for critical period in humans

				i. Guevedoces

					(1) raised as females, plenty of T,
					   male behavior as adults

				ii. Adrenogenital Syndrome 

					(1) high androgens - more male-like behavior

				iii. Progestogens (given to prevent loss of pregnancy)
				     via P-R or A-R, females born to women with 
					 this treatment have more male-like behavior

				iv. Estrogen +feedback in homosexuals

					(1) other studies have refuted this finding,
					   and even suggested positive feedback in heterosexual males

XIV. Sexual Orientation

	A. Genes associated with homosexuality in males 

		1. X chromosome region Xq28  (tip of  long arm)
		   shared by some (up to 67%) homosexual brothers
			a. X-linked recessive
				i.also autosomal markers at 7q36, 8p12 and 10q26
			b. heritability: 53% of the variance
			   in homosexuality is genetic

 				i. identical twin studies
			c. adopted brothers of homosexuals have a higher
			   than normal incidence of homosexuality

		2. genes code for proteins (mostly enzymes)

			a. genetic background represents a predisposition

				i. triggered or supressed by external factors

	B. Genes and homosexuality in females

		1. 52% heritability
		   associated with same-sex orientation in women

	C. Testicular Feminization Syndrome

		1. no androgen receptors  (Xq11)

			a. normal testis, female external genitalia

		2. XY heterosexual female

	D. neuroanatomical sexual dimorphism:
	   3rd  interstitial nucleus of the mPOA  (=INAH3)

		1. smaller in women

		2. smaller in homosexual men

	E. multimorphisms and sexual orientation: SCN

		1. shape (not size) of SCN differ
		   in heterosexual males and females

			a. AVP secreting cells

		2. SCNAVP 2x larger in homosexual men

		3. SCN = biological clock
		  ® homosexual men arise and retire earlier

			a. SCN also regulates reproductive function + rhythmicity

	F. Differences in hypothalamus suggest hormonal variability

		1. fetal environment can influence androgen and estrogen levels

			a. may influence masculinization during critical period

				i. maternal stress (increased CRH, ACTH and F)
				   decreases androgen and estrogen levels

					(1) advance fetal adrenal conversion
					    of DHEA to F

					(2) increased homosexuality in males and females

				ii. however, Human male without aromatase
				   was heterosexual (N = 1)

					(1) DA via D1 may be able to organize 
					   morphological and functional sex differences
					    in the abscence of steroid

				iii. masculinization limits E provoked LH surge

					(1) 50% of homosexual men had LH surge

					(2) 33% of heterosexual men had LH surge

						(a) those with lowest [T] (both groups)

							(i) no masculinization 
								of human brain?
							(ii) E will never provoke 
								LH surge in male rat
		2. male homosexuality may appear as a mosaic of traits 
		   (some sex-typical, others sex-atypical and yet others that are sex-exaggerated)
			a. differences in the timing and/or concentration
			   of T (A-R, ERa, PR, D1) exposure 
				i. homosexual men may be exposed to particularly 
				   high androgen levels very early in development
	G. Fetal environment can affect non-steroidal events

		1. increased # of older brothers increased chance of homosexuality

			a. each older brother increases chance by 33%

				i. multiply by chance of homosexuality (1-2%)
				   to get overall increase

		2. progressive immunization of mothers
		   to minor Y-linked histocompatibility antigens

			a. non-self immune action against H-Y antigen, protocadherin 
			   or neuroligin by maternal antibodies impedes male sexual 
			   differentiation of the brain

				i. male mice whose mothers are immunized to H–Y prior  
				   to pregnancy show reduced sexual behaviour 
				   towards receptive females
				ii. H-Y antigen was once thought to determine gonadal sex

					(1) before discovery of TDF

XV. Puberty