Biology of Reproduction, lecture on Steroidogenesis
USD Department of Biology
Biology of Reproduction
text: Human Reproductive Biology2nd Edition
- Richard E. Jones & Kristin H. Lopez,:
Read pages 36-39 for this lecture

acronyms    end
VIII. Steroid Production 			back to VII. Adult Female

	A. one of the 1o functions of follicle cells

	B. Estrogens: any compound that causes the uterus to grow

		1. 3 natural endogenous estrogens

			a. E2 = estradiol-17b

			b. E1 = estrone

			c. E3 = estriol

		2. environmental estrogens may come from plants or
		    degradation of industrial biochemicals like pesticides

	C. Progestogens: any compound that allows embryo
				  to implant/grow in the uterus

		1. P (progesterone)  (peripheral)

		2. in the brain

			a. THP = allopregnanolone = 3a-OH-DHP

			b. Preg-S = pregnenolone sulfate

	D. Androgens: any compound which will stimulate
				 growth of the seminal vesicles

		1. potent: most common in men

			a. T = testosterone

			b.  DHT = dihydrotestosterone

		2. weak androgens: measured most commonly in women

			a. DHEA = dehydroepiandosterone

			b. androstenedione

	E. steroidogenesis







				     DHEA ® androstenedione
			   estrogen synthesis pathway

		1. D5 pathway = ® = main follicular source of steroids from the ovay

			a. Tertiary follicles

		Theca			  	                Granulosa

 cholesterol ®  ® pregnenolone
		                   D5  ¯
                                           ¯ transported by diffusion
	                  androstenedione- - - - - - - - - ®




									      ¯ *FSH

	*required							E2

	F. Corpus Luteum (yellow body)

		1. formed after ovulation

		2. Luteinization

			a. product of LH surge (name of LH)

				i. begins just before ovulation

			b. theca thickens

			c. granulosa divides (mitosis)

				i. very fast

			d. these cells now = luteal cells

			e. steroidogenic - D4 pathway = ®


				pregnenolone ® ® ® ® ® ® Progesterone

				       ¯					      ¯

				17-OH-preg  	   		          17-OH-P

				      ¯					              ¯

				DHEA ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® androstenedione

		Theca			    	            Luteal cells (granulosa)

		    D5					    cholesterol ® pregnenolone
									                ¯ D4
									                P  ®  blood (most)
								                       ¯ (small amt)




										           E1 ® E2

			f. 3o follicle = 1/4 P : 3/4 E2

				i. E2 stimulates LH surge via + feedback

				ii. \ luteinization

			g. Corpus luteum = 2/3 P : 1/3 E2

IX. Oocyte Maturation, Ovulation and Uterus