Endocrinology           USD

Cliff Summers                     Contact                     Summers Lab                     Investigators                     Research                     Publications                    

2022 Endocrinology Syllabus
Messages as of 8/15/2022

Endocrinology is an advanced class.

one or more of the following required courses:
physiology (comparative BIOL 428, mammalian BIOL 456), neurobiology (BIOL 430), neuropharmacology, or biochemistry (BIOC 430)
is necessary for this class. If you have questions talk with Dr. Summers.
BIOL 426: An advanced course on hormone function, including anatomy, endocrine glands, endocrine systems and functions, homeostasis, neuroendocrinology, endocrine axes and cascades, hormones, receptors, 2nd messenger systems, hormone X gene interactions, interactions of hormones and the brain, and the evolution of endocrine systems. The course focuses on biological significance and mechanism of action of hormones involving the endocrine and nervous systems.

BIOL 592: Based on the original research literature, this advanced course on hormone function, includes anatomy, endocrine glands, endocrine systems and functions, homeostasis, neuroendocrinology, endocrine axes and cascades, hormones, receptors, 2nd messenger systems, hormone X gene interactions, interactions of hormones and the brain, and the evolution of endocrine systems. The course focuses on biological significance and mechanism of action of hormones on homeostasis in diverse biological systems involving the endocrine and nervous systems. Collecting and integrating information to describe, or teaching of a specific endocrine function is included.

Exams for this Semester will consist of 1 drawing (done at home) and 3 exams (in class).
The drawing will be of the Pancreatic endocrine axis, including a system drawing (brain, hypothalamus, blood vessels, pituitary, gland, target tissue) on one side (use an unlined piece of 8.5x11 white paper), and a drawing of sub-cellular features (receptors, 2nd messengers, enzymes) on the other. You want to start early in the semester, and begin 1st drafts of your drawings right away.
The exams will have 2 types of questions:
(1) one question that requires a flow chart or drawing. (2) Ten to twenty short answer questions. Answer these questions with one to six words; never a sentence, never a paragraph. Questions in the exam may be comprehensive in nature. Schedule for exams: September 22nd, October 28th, December 2?nd, and the drawing at the end of the semester.

Graduate students should see me right away to discuss additional assignments.

Arthropod Endocrinology
Core Endocrine Laboratory
Endocrine links
Endo Direct
Links of interest in endocrinology
endo club links
Endocrine cafe
Endocrine Web
Endocrinology Public Resource Service
Endocrinology Health Guide
Sciencekomm Endocrinology Journals

endocrine societies:
The Endocrine Society
The Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
Society for Endocrinology
Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa
SICB, Division of Comparative Endocrinology

Acta Diabetologica
The American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism
Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Biological Signals and Receptors
Clinical Endocrinology
Current Advances in Endocrinology & Metabolism
Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes
Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
Diabetic Medicine
Endocrine Development
Endocrine Research
Endocrine-Related Cancer
Endocrine Reviews
The Endocrinologist
The Endocrinologist
European Journal of Endocrinology
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology
General and Comparative Endocrinology
Gynecological Endocrinology
Hormone and Metabolic Research
Hormone Research
Hormones and Behavior
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
Journal of Endocrinology
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
Journal of Neuroendocrinology
Journal of Pineal Research
Molecular Endocrinology
Neuroendocrinology Letters
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism
Yearbook of Endocrinology

2021 Endocrinology Schedule
2019 Endocrinology Schedule
2018 Endocrinology Schedule
2017 Endocrinology Schedule
2012 Endocrinology Schedule
2008 Endocrinology Schedule
2007 Endocrinology Schedule
2005 Endocrinology Schedule
2004 Endocrinology Schedule
2001 Endocrinology Schedule
1999 Endocrinology Schedule
1998 Endocrinology Schedule
1997 Endocrinology Schedule (PDF)

other classes:
Behavioral Neuroscience
Biology of Reproduction

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