Cliff H. Summers           email

Laboratory of Molecular Neuropsychoecoendochemistry

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Cliff H. Summers

Nolop Distinguished Professor
Department of Biology, College of Arts & Sciences
Neuroscience Group, Basic Biomedical Sciences, Sanford School of Medicine
Veterans Affairs Research Service, Sioux Falls VA Health Care System

Ph.D. University of Colorado, 1987
M.A. University of Colorado, 1982
B.S. Colorado State University, 1978

Research Interests
I am a behavioral neuroscientist, trained in comparative reproduction and endocrinology, investigating the mechanisms that drive decision-making, anxiety, depression, and social status. I am interested in the impact of social and environmental stressors on gene expression, neural and endocrine responses. My background includes ecology, evolution, and natural history; so I approach every question from a environment-by-neural circuit-by-gene interaction perspective. I believe that these interactions influence adaptive behavior and activities like learning, coping, developing social rank relationships, biological rhythms, reproduction, and social interaction. Of special interest are how and why individuals differ, and how responses are characterized temporally. The investigations include the connection between molecular, neural and endocrine responses and variability in the magnitude and way in which individuals respond to and cope with stress behaviorally. We have recently developed a new model that includes aggression, learned escape and conditioned submission. We are interested in elucidating the mechanisms by which experience modulates the responsiveness of neural and hormonal stress responses. We think it is important to relate molecular genetics, physiology and anatomy to behavior, ecology and evolution.
Selected Recent Publications     A complete listing of Dr. Summers' publications   View my collection, "My Bibliography" from NCBI  
Pubmed search of Dr. Summers' publications
Arendt DH, J Hassell, Hao Li, JK Achua, DJ Guarnieri, RJ DiLeone, PJ Ronan, and CH Summers 2014  
	Anxiolytic function of the orexin 2 / hypocretin A receptor in the basolateral amygdala. 
	Psychoneuroendocrinology 40C: 17-26

Carpenter RE and CH Summers 2009 Learning strategies during fear conditioning 
	Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 91: 415-423

Keifer J and CH Summers 2021 The Neuroscience Community has a role in environmental conservation.
	 eNeuro 8:ENEURO.0454-20.2021 1–5

Ronan PJ and CH Summers 2011 Molecular signaling and translational significance of
	the corticotropin releasing factor system In Progress in Molecular Biology  
	and Translational Science Vol 98 The Brain as a Drug Target, S Rahman ed,  
	Academic Press, Burlington pp. 235-292
Smith JP, MA Prince, JK Achua, JM Robertson, RT Anderson, PJ Ronan, CH Summers 2016 Intensity of anxiety
 	 is modified via complex integrative stress circuitries. Psychoneuroendocrinology 63: 351-361

Summers CH, JDW Yaeger, CD Staton, DH Arendt, TR Summers 2018 Orexin/hypocretin receptor modulation of  
	anxiolytic and antidepressive responses during social stress and decision-making: potential for therapy. 
	Brain Research 1731: 146085: 1-15

Staton CD, JDW Yaeger, DD Khalid, F Haroun, BS Fernandez, JS Fernandez, BK Summers, TR Summers, M Sathyanesan, 
	SS Newton, CH Summers 2018 Orexin 2 receptor stimulation enhances resilience, while orexin 2 inhibition promotes 
	susceptibility, to social stress, anxiety and depression. Neuropharmacology 143: 79-94.

Tokarz RR and CH Summers 2010 Stress and Reproduction in Reptiles In Hormones  
	and Reproduction of Vertebrates, Vol 3 - Reptiles, DO Norris, KH Lopez eds,   
	Elsevier, San Diego, Chapter 7 pp. 169-213

Office: 168F Churchill-Haines
Laboratory: 178A Churchill-Haines
Grad Student Office: 178 Churchill-Haines
Phone: (605) 677-6177

Cliff Bali and Eland Summers Paris
mailing address:
Cliff H. Summers
Department of Biology
University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD 57069


Biology of Reproduction Endocrinology
Neurobiology Advanced Seminars
Behavioral Neuroscience General Biology

email E-mail Dr. Summers

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